Welcome to EZ PayPal
Your Own E-Shop
Database Setup
Your application hasn't been installed. Please provide the database details to set it up.
You can give the same details as your existing ezPayPal (version older than V6.00) installation by entering the values from its ezppCfg.php
to update it to this new version. If you do so, please be warned that the database schema will be modified, and you will not be able to go back to the old version. It is wise to keep a full back of your database.
If you have the Pro version of this application, you can migrate the database at a later stage using built-in database tools.
Database Host: If your database is hosted on a different server, please provide its name. Usually, MySQL databases are hosted at the same server as your Webserver, in which case, you can use localhost
as your database server.
Database Name: If you are using a dedicated database created using your CPanel or other hosting provider interface, please provide its name. It usually has the form username_dbname
. If you have limits on the number of databases you can create on your server, you can reuse an existing database. If not, it is best to create a dedicated one for this application.
Database Prefix: Optional: Use a prefix for all the database tables so that you can easily identify them. A prefix like ez_
is a decent one, but to enhance your security, you may want to choose a different one.
Database User Name: Your username to log on to the database server. If you created your database and db users on a cPanel, you'd know the user name. It is typically the same as the database name itself. Please contact your system admin if in doubt.
Database Password: Your database password. You can set it on your cPanel or equivalent. Please contact your system admin if in doubt.
Your Email: Optional. This email ID will be used to send database error messages from this application. Later on, you will set up other email addresses where application or support messages may be directed. However, if the DB cannot be connected to, those email IDs cannot be accessed, and diagnostic messages cannot be sent. So, this is the only email address the program will have access to. If you don't want emails about DB errors, leave it empty or give a fake email ID like nobody@nowhere.com
Once all the required values are given, this application will try to generate a DB configuration file for you. If it fails to do so because of file permission errors, it will ask you to correct the issues with clear instructions.